Together in love

It is said in the Tantric tradition that “The Source” contains all the potentiality possible.
It is also said that the purpose of the manifestation is to make the great consciousness aware of itself. In other words, a self-reflective process.
Consciousness is referred to here as prakasha (the great light) and the reflection process as vimasha.
These things together mean that everything that exists as a potential in the great consciousness, will be manifested to become conscious at some point.
In this way, the Tantric tradition does not mean that the world is an illusion, but rather a reflection of something that is completely real.
The Tantric tradition here makes people co-creators of “the cosmos” desire to make itself aware of itself.
A common interpretation of this idea is that one is one with the “cosmos”, in the sense that one “is” the cosmos.
The realization then becomes that there is only one, and that it is the same that looks from all eyes. The problem with this vision is that love can’t exist where there’s only one.
At the same time, the Tantric tradition was both dualistic and non-dualistic, and the great interpreter of the Tantric tradition; Abhinavagupta, explained that the truth was beyond both of these categories.
The Tantric tradition is an experience-based tradition, and has built its cosmology based on experiences enjoyed by its practitioners. The experiences on which this conclusion are based, are those that have defied time and space and also personal boundaries.
At the same time, I ask myself. Then what is loves nature but exceeding the limit between you and me, and distance? Perhaps these experiences can instead be perceived as a togetherness, in love.
It is interesting to note that the idea of Shiva and Shakti in fusion as the highest, is never abandoned. That the absolute continued to be symbolized by a couple in union.