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Materialism & Spirituality

Materialism & Spirituality

We have a situation in today’s modern society where the extreme materialistic view of the world that dominates society has created an equally extreme spiritual antithesis.  In one worldview is nothing possible, in the other everything is possible. None of them take full responsibility for their actions. Both are equally sure about their own greatness. …



True healing can only be given by the one who has healed him/herself. This truth is found in all healing traditions, such as the shamanic or the yogic.  Bird Phoenix can be seen as a symbol of this truth. The Phoenix is said to burn up and then be reborn from its ashes. In the…


According to Vedic astrology, by 2020 Saturn has set the tone.  Saturn is a planet that requires accuracy and that things are done or redone from scratch to be sustainable. Saturn rewards hard and persistent work.  Saturn is also said in Vedic astrology to be the karmic teacher. Under the influence of Saturn, we get…

To hit the target

In the Amshu Tantra (1000s) and further through Tattwa Chintamani (in 1577) positions are given that are reminiscent of a straight stick, a stick broken into several parts in shape, or arcuate shapes. These are called dandas (sticks) and are also the names used for the positions in the sun salutation. One of the positions…

To give back to life

The Vedic ritual was since its infancy a fire ritual where you gave what you wanted more of.  It was the establishment of a relationship with nature where one gave of the abundance that nature has given one.  This maintenance of the relationship with nature maintained balance in the world. They maintained an insight that…

Form or content?

Adi (first) Shankara 700s, was the founder of Advaita Vedanta, one of India’s greatest philosophical orientations. He composed a hymn to Shiva called Shiva Manasa Puja. Below is one of its verses.  Manasa Puja means mental invocation / worship as opposed to Puja (worship) which is done physically.  Reformations have taken place in Vedic invocation…

Life energy

This new moon period takes place in the area in the sky called Ashwini nakshatra.  Ashwini nakshatra is the first area in the sky according to Vedic astrology.  This nakshatra thus marks the beginning of a new cycle.  Ashwini is the name of the twins who in the Vedic scriptures stood for movement, wind, life…

To be worthy

A legend from the 12th-14th century described in the text Matsyendra Samhita describes how the fisherman Mena is swallowed by a whale. The story tells how Mena is devoured by a choice and thereby hears secret teaching from Shiva when, at Shakti’s request, he teaches her the ultimate being of everything, at the bottom of…


The new moon period we are now in marks the beginning of the Vedic New Year. The year we have been in, Substitute; which means sickness and death passes to the year Shavari which means twilight. The new moon cycle we are now in is called Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, which is associated with death and…